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Event Calendar


Community Practice

Viadrina hosts community practices for all medieval activities.

Reminder that our bullying and harassment policy is in effect.

Viadrina prohibits any and all;

  • Offensive or lewd verbal comments directed to an individual.

  • The display of explicit images (drawn or photographic) depicting an individual in an inappropriate manner.

  • Photographing or recording individuals inappropriately to abuse or harass an individual.

  • Inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention; or retaliation for reporting harassment and/or bullying.


Viadrina's community practice is every Sunday morning at 11am until 3pm. The practice is at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford.

Please ensure you bring water and your own equipment for heavy combat. reaffirm you understand all heavy combat guidelines.

Check in at our Facebook Group to ensure practice is running. If you are in need of loaner gear or have any questions please reach out to or our Facebook page.

The address is
2390 Emerson St, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3J2


Upcoming Events

Art by Jordan Snee

Yuletide Festival

Hail, Adventurous Soul!

The cold winds of winter have guided our clan, Viadrina, to once again gather in celebration of the ancient Yuletide festivities. As the stars above twinkle like Odin's knowing eye, we extend a hearty invitation for you to join us in merriment, feasting, the forging of bonds that withstand the test of time, and of course, the crossing of swords.

On the eve of Yule, beneath the watchful gaze of the Allfather, we shall kindle the great bonfires and illuminate the long Nordic night with the warmth of camaraderie. A grand feast awaits, laden with succulent meats roasted to perfection, spiced mead flowing like the rivers of Midgard, and hearth-baked bread that sustains both body and spirit.

Bring your courage, your curiosity, and an open heart, for this Yuletide Feast promises more than a mere celebration. It is a chance to become a part of our clan's living history, to add your own verse to the saga, and to leave with memories that burn as brightly as the Northern Lights.

Skål to the journey that awaits!

In the name of the gods and ancestors, Clan Viadrina

Event Details

Event Steward: Joshua Wright (
Host: Viadrina (
November 18th, 2023. 12:00pm - 10:30pm
Event Fee: Adults $25, Members $5 discount applies. Children 12 and under Free.
Feast: $20 per plate.
Site Address: Yarrow Community Hall,
4670 Community St, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5E1.

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